Friday, October 16, 2009

I think someone did a rain dance

Linda, could that have been you?? (lol) This has been one yucky week for weather. All I did was run to the car, run into work, run back to the car and then run back into the house. Who wants to be out in this weather???? Not I that's for sure.
But the week was busy and it sure flew by. I had to stop and think what today was! Yesterday was hooking at Grantstreet. There seemed to be a steady flow of people coming and going. That was so nice to see. Barb was there, and then Pat and her husband Zip showed up. And then Marion came after them.
Marion was working on a snowman, and I didn't get a good shot of it. And Pat brought her quilt, but didn't hook at all. I think just the chatting was enough for her.
I had to giggle to myself. I think Zip is a ham for the camera. If only this was in video form, you would have seen him shaking his bottom while showing off the back of his jacket. LOL, too cute!

And then he had to show off his name. They call him The Flash.. Pat did unroll her rug for us to see how much she has gotten done. The background she dyed for it, is just beautiful. I know she'll be curled up this weekend working on it!
Barb was busy handpiecing some triangles together. She got quite a bit done during the time she was there. Her husband came later on in the evening and sat for a bit too. This was just one of them that she had gotten done.

I had to leave for a bit, but when I came back, Kathy was just coming out and walking to her car. Kathy is just "one" of Genny's sisters. If anyone remembers, Genny wanted to teach her sisters to hook. There are 7 of them. What a hoot when they are all in the same room! Anyway, Kathy just wanted to stop by and show us the little mat she had finished back when Genny had them all together. She said she might stop back later on that night, but I wasn't sure if she would or not. Well, sure enough she did! And along came Genny and another sister Bert. Bert finished her first mat, and brought it too. I thought their pieces turned out so cute. For the first one, they did really well!!

Here is Kathy's~

And here is Bert's! ~

They are both really excited to do another piece. Kathy had brought the paper pattern she wanted to do next and I showed her how to transfer it. Bert bought another pattern that night of an angel. Another small piece. Just right for her. Wish I would have taken more pictures. I got so busy with helping them, I plum forgot! Genny ended up buying a new frame for herself. Her husband gave her some money to get it if she liked it, and it will be her Christmas present. I'm sure it's going to kill her to wait that long LOL!! I sure hope they come back on another Thursday to sit and hook with us. Sherry came right after they did, and I think she'll be done with her cat mat real soon. It's looking sweet. You know it's a small town when so many are related. Sherry just happens to be a cousin of Genny and her sisters lol.

Along with a great day of hooking, I was blessed with another Birthday package in the mail the other day. This is from Pam, another girl from aapg. What a lovely Fall assortment. The orange wool is so pretty. I'll have to decorate up the cornicopia and put it out on a table. There was also some Fall colored floss, some Fall mini baking cups. My daughter will help me fill those! Tissues with a K on it, and some notecards with a K on it. And there was a cute rug hooking paper pattern with Fall pieces to make by Buttermilk Basin. Just the right size, won't take long at all. Thank you so much Pam for everything!

Today was a busy day running around. Again, running in and out in this rainy/cold weather. When I got home, I got the mail off the porch. There was a big package for my son, and then our mail was behind it. It was rubber banded together and I just put it on the table for later. When I finally did look at it, there was a priority envelope with MY name on it. My goodness, another Birthday package for me. It was from Kimmie on aapg. She had gifted me with two booklets. One was Lancaster Album and the other was called Hook & I. Both have some wonderful patterns in them. Along with those was a sweet little bag that had a cross stitch piece attached to it. Adorable Kimmie! And then there was a paper patter of a chairpad by Buttermilk Basin. Am I going to be busy or what??? Kimmie, thank you so very much for everything. All you girls are so kind and thoughtful.

This weekend is the retreat for the group, and the theme this time is stockings. I have some ideas. And with the weather being so yucky, I plan on parking my butt and getting some things made. What and how many? Well, we'll just have to see.

Ok, for some reason this is weighing on my heart today. So while I'm blogging, I'm going to ask for prayer for someone. His name is Rob. Linda had befriended him a few weeks back. He is having some difficulties with getting back on his feet. Linda has been there off and on for him trying to help him with finding a job, etc. Without going into specifics, Rob is in the hospital and could really use some prayer. I'm confident the doctors will do what they can for him and then he will be moved to where he can get the help he needs. I've only met him a couple times. He seems like such a nice guy and I know with prayer lifted up for him, he can make it. So thank you in advance for stopping for a second and just asking God to do what he has planned for Rob. Rob is a Christian, and I know he would appreciate your prayers. Thank you..

May you all have a Blessed weekend! I'll take pic's of this weekend, and share with you soon!!


Joanne said...

Sounds like a great week despite the rain. Sorry I missed all the fun at the hook-in - can't wait to see Pat's rug in person again. What did you work on???? Love your birthday goodies - that's great you get to celebrate the month again!

Kathy (woolfind) said...

Ahhh, Joanne, thought I wasn't working eh? You can see the rug I was working on in the shot of Barb hand piecing her quilt squares. It's the cat and pumpkin rug. I got a bit of the background done!