Friday, March 19, 2010

Bright and Early~~

Ok, Early, but not Bright this morning.  Late, late night again at the hook-in. But who wants to leave? It's always so much fun.  I look forward to that day each week :). 

I've changed my schedule around with my mil, so that I could have Friday off to do what needs to be done around here.  So I get to the hook in later.  But it's all working out better for me doing it that way.  When I got to the shop,  I heard lots of laughter when I opened up the door. I knew it would be a good day!

Jill was busy gathering up wool to take with her to the hook in tomorrow in Lancaster, Pa.  She was talking things over with Linda.

Her sister Beth was also gathering up supplies to take to the hook in.  Between the two of them, there was wool dust flying off that Townsend lol.   Marian was working on her Dark Chocolate  Easter bunny.  Wish I would have gotten a picture of it.  Learned quite a bit about chickens yesterday.  Thank you Marian!

Tracie was transferring a pattern, and Linda let her surge her pattern with a machine in the other room.  Doris was watching her.  It's so different to have hands on, rather than just watching.  Linda was very nice to let her do that :).

Tanya was in the area with her job yesterday, and she packed that hooking stuff of hers so she could stop by!  Loved having her.  Here is the Pomegranate rug she is working on. My, this girl has had some late, late nights working on this.  She has gotten a Lot done!  It looks so pretty in person.  We were trying to help her with deciding a background color.  I'm pretty sure she is settled on a dark brown, and hopes to find some wool tomorrow at the hook in. 

Genny stopped by too. Her rug  she is doing for her daughter is progressing so nicely.  I'm amazed from day one of this rug, how it has developed.  What was bright, was now toned down by some of the brown she put in it, and she tea dyed the center portion.  She was able to finish the center yesterday and even started on the border. I know she is anxious to finish it and move on to something else. Her daughter Julie is going to love it!
Her sister Cathy stopped by too.  She is working on a geometric her husband drew up for her with some stars and circles. Will get a picture of it next time.  Cathy said that when she first saw Genny's rugs, she thought she could never do that.  Now she's hooking!

Sherry came in the evening and worked on her cat rug.  She must have had to work today or had to go somewhere, because she left early last night.  Usually her and I are walking out with Linda at the end of the night.  She'll be coming with us to the hook in on Saturday.
It was a fun time, and lots of food there yesterday.  Linda made a delicious pasta salad, and Pat brought lunch meats and cheese with rolls if you wanted a sandwich.  Everything was delicious. 

Before I left the house yesterday, I got the mail. I was waiting for a package, but didn't think it would come so fast.  I love old rug beaters. I have two that are the same, and have them hanging under one of my rugs  that I mounted in a shelf. They hang from the pegs.  Well, I saw this one the other day on ebay, and just fell in love with how cute it was. It's only 15" long. When I opened up the box, I was thrilled. Now I just need to know where to display it.  It was described as a rug beater/pillow fluffer...

And then when I  walked Tanya out last night, I noticed that I had received a package from my Secret Pal.  Linda has a huge copper tub  located near the door when you walk in to the shop.  It's for anyone to drop their gifts off.  It helps in saving on postage.  Hmm, now I just have to figure out who it is! lol. We are supposed to let each other know at Christmas time. 
I got the sweetest Easter hooked rug.  I just love it. It took time to make that! Also a cute Easter towel, and an adorable little chick!  Thank you to my Secret Pal.. "Just in case you read my blog" :). 

Wow, this was the first time I got through writing my blog in a short amount of time.  Thanks again Joanne for reminding me about updating with the new version. Much, much easier!

It's only 9:30 and I'm going to get my day going here by doing some cleaning. I want to open up the windows and put some music on to get me in the mood.  Because of the late night last night, I didn't do my exercising this morning. But will ride 15 miles tonight on the bike after dinner. 
Later I will be figuring out what I will be taking tomorrow to work on.  I hope I can come up with something other than taking my hit or miss's, which is my last resort.  It's going to be another beautiful day tomorrow, I can't wait!!!  A car load is meeting up with Linda at the shop, and then following her. She's coming to my house first and then we will pick up Pat, and Sherry.  Will remember my camera for sure!

Also this weekend is the retreat with AAPG.  I'll have to work on something on Sunday after church.  The theme this month is "baskets and blooms". I'm going to have to see if there is something in my file I can pull out..
I sure hope the sun is shining on you this weekend.... Get out and enjoy it~~~


corinna said...

hi kathy
thanks for your sweet comment
just fyi
am using the other half of that linen you sent me for the BBD sampler
i love that linen
it is so nice to stitch on
so i will have 2 samplers in the house
that will always bring a smile and happy fri 13 memory to me

...altoid tin

moosecraft said...

Oh wonderful sunshine here today and tomorrow too! Sounds like rearranging your schedule is working for the better! :-) I wish you much fun and a happy day tomorrow at the hook-in!!! I'll probably be outside in the yard getting rid of the winter and getting ready for planting time! Smiles! ~Sharon

Joanne said...

Sounds like a wonderful fun day at Grant St. so sorry I couldn't make it but it seems like it was packed so maybe it's a good thing I wasn't there the way I "spread" my junk out!

Oh and the hookin sounds like so much fun - I'm mad I can't make it - why do things always happen the same time? Anyway have a great day - it will be beautiful weather, first day of Spring, a room full of wool and friends - need I say more!

Sharon -- said...

Kathy, I found your blog today. I loved looking at the rugs all the ladies were working on. I've been hooking rugs for 2 1/2 years. In fact, the pomegranate rug that Tonya is making is one that I recently made and will be entering in the Kentucky State Fair this fall. It's on my blog if you want to check it out. My hooking's probably not as good as yours and your friends, but I hook in the higgeldy piggeldy fashion (like Deanne Fitzpatrick) as opposed to rows. So my hooking is somewhat different than other hookers' rugs. But I really love rug hooking. I attended the biennial last September in Louisville which is about 15 miles from where I live. I actually work in downtown Louisville (I live in southern Indiana). I gather from your blog that you live somewhere close to Lancaster, PA where the 2011 biennial will be. I hope to be able to attend the biennial in Lancaster. But I probably need to start saving my money now!!

Didn't mean to ramble on. Please feel free to check out my blog and see my other rugs.

Starlight Primitives (my blog)

Rugs and Pugs said...

Kathy ~
Your little rug beater/pillow fluffer is just too sweet!
Have a great time at the hook in and take lots of pictures!
Pug hugs :)