Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday Hooking

Fun day with the girls at Grant Street Woolworks yesterday.  Got there a little later than usual, and Linda had some shoppers that were there and gone already. Everyone was busy working on something.

Amy, Marilyn, and Diana were all huddled together.  Marilyn was trying to help Diana with her crocheting. She was trying to find a mistake in it. Took quite a while, but Marilyn found it.  Meanwhile, Diana hooked on her fox.

A new person to the group is Alice below. She is starting on a star.  Making great progress!

Teresa has been making these sunflowers for a show she was doing that happened to be today. I'm sure she sold out :)

And Nancee has been working on a Maggie Bonanomi design.

I forgot to take a picture of the punch needle I am working on. Will be selling some things at the Log House this Christmas. So far, so good :).

Linda has been starting up the hook ins again on a weekly basis. I'm sure she will send out an email if something comes up and she can't hold it.  During the Summer everyone is busy, and the hook ins were slow.  Glad that things are picking up again!  So if you aren't busy on a Thursday, stop on by!

I did get my Fall decorations out on Wednesday. I don't put a ton out like I do at Christmas time, and I'm thinking I'll even cut back some at Christmas this year. Less to put away after it's all over :). Looking forward to some punching  time after I get my chores done tomorrow!  

Hope you all have a Creative weekend!!.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Annual Power Day

What a Beautiful Saturday to take a ride on the motorcycle out to Hagerstown Md to their Annual Power Day event at the Volvo plant.   Lots of entertainment for the employees and their families along with being open to the public.  I think one of the big attractions is driving a truck for a buck :).  Did this many years ago with the kids.
I was able to remember to take a few pic's of some older Mack trucks.

 some before shots before they finished the above pic.

and just a fun one that caught my eye.

After we ate and George gave me another tour through the plant to see some new things going on, we headed off on the bike to West Virginia to a coworkers home who was having a picnic for several of the people George works with. Wish I could have taken pic's of the ride, but very hard to do on the back of the bike lol.  So I just enjoyed it for all of us :).  A truly relaxing day.
The weather could not have been more perfect for the ride home as well in the evening.  Not real keen on driving in the dark, but there weren't too many people on the road, so that was nice.

The temps are going to be lower this week, so I think I'll take advantage and get some outside work done during the day and hoping to get some hooking or punching done in the evenings.

Have a Creative week ahead!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A little more hooking

Happy Sunday to you all,

Been in the mood to hook up a couple items for my Etsy shop.  Link is on my side bar if anyone is interested.   I know the weather change is inevitable!  I'm enjoying seeing everyone's pumpkins they are hooking.  And with all the colors available today, I decided to do a dusty blue one.


I also thought it would be fun to just hook up a few dusty orange pumpkin color pillows.  Went with different sizes and I am offering them as a set.


Maybe I should get to "dusting" my house. It sure does need it from all the hooking going on :).

Have a Wonderful week ahead!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

It's been a while.....

Is it really September?  Fall just around the corner?   I'm not looking forward to what comes after Fall, so I'm not going to think about it right now :).

It sure has been a while since my last post. Pretty busy Summer.  Lots of remodeling going on with our upstairs.  Hubby put down new flooring. Love not having carpet!!  Of course with that, comes painting walls, new trim to paint and all the little things that go along with trying to complete it.  Those HGTV shows  get done in just a few days! Cracks us up lol.  But we are now on to the last thing which is the guest bathroom. Thankfully, it's not something that we neeeed to use, so George is taking his time with it. But it shouldn't be too much longer!  Next year we will focus on the main floor and do a little at a time and as the budget allows.
Here is a shot of my wool room now. I have room on the walls to hang a few more things, and I'm hoping to be inspired to what to create as things settle down around here.

So with the busy Summer, came a slump in creating.  I just lost interest. It sure kept the wool room clean for a while LOL.    My friend Nancee and I decided to do the same rug a little while back and she finished hers before me.  I have since completed mine and have it hung above my jelly cupboard in my bedroom. I love seeing the same rug done in different colors/backgrounds.  Mine is the light background and hers is the dark.  It sure was fun!

Not sure what my next project will be. I am currently working on an order.  The Holidays will be here before we know it, so maybe it's a good time to get started on some gifts. 

Yesterday there was a hook in at Grant St. Woolworks in Chambersburg.  It sure was nice seeing everyone again. With the busy Summer, there have been fewer hook ins. But it's starting to pick up again. Looking forward to next week.  Perhaps I'll get out of my slump and be more creative :).  Always inspiring to be around others and surrounded by ALL that wool in the shop! 

I hope you all have had a Wonderful Summer!  Enjoy your weekend :)